My Publications

This web page lists most of my talks, publications, and contribution to publications, and links to material such as conference papers, slides of my talks, or additional data created in the course of my publications, either in binary form, or as source code, whatever appropriate.

List of Selected Publications

  • Jürgen Reuter. Visualisierung der Hysterese von Kipppunkten (Talk). In: Letters for Future 2 – Kunstwochen im Zukunftsraum. International exhibition from Thursday, Sep. 09, 2023, until Sunday, Oct. 08, 2023 @ Quartier Zukunft – Labor Stadt, Karlsruhe, Germany. Group show curated by Renate Schweizer.
    Presentation Slides

    Kippelemente bestehen typischerweise aus mindestens zwei separaten Kipppunkten. Ist ein System über den einen Kipppunkt hinweg in einen anderen Zustand gekippt, so muss, um über den anderen Kipppunkt wieder in den Ursprungszustand zurückzukehren, zusätzlich der Abstand zwischen den beiden Kipppunkten überwunden werden. Je nach Größe dieses Abstandes, auch Hysterese genannt, wird das Zurückkippen daher willkürlich schwer bis unerreichbar. Der Vortrag möchte die Ursachen der Hysterese sowie die sich daraus ergebende Dynamik von Kippelementen aufzeigen und an praktischen Beispielen und technischen Modellen vertiefen mit dem Ziel, ein besseres Verständnis und vertieftes Bewusstsein für mögliche Szenarien des Verlaufs klimatischer Größen zu schaffen.

  • Jürgen Reuter, Hellmund Tobias, Jürgen Moßgraber, Philipp Hertweck. The KERES Ontology: Protecting Cultural Heritage from Extreme Climate Events. Heritage 2023, 6(5), 4015-4041, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, April 28th, 2023.

    Protecting and preserving cultural heritage (CH) in view of global climate change is the main objective of the KERES project. For managing climate impact with proper measurements, including prevention and responsive actions, an ontology has been devised in the course of this project in close cooperation with relevant stakeholders of selected CH assets that serve us as case studies. In particular, the ontology supports modeling specific CH assets with respect to the challenges of climate change. It turns out the main challenge is to subsume the diversity of models and processes specific to individual assets on a proper level of abstraction. Based on the ontology, we succeeded in creating software that assists stakeholders in managing their CH challenges, including an interactive app for suggesting preventative measurements and a web application for creating route cards that are used by emergency service professionals in the case of rescuing cultural assets. We are confident that our methodology of CH assets abstraction and modeling will be applicable to a broader range of CH assets.

  • Lola Kotova, Johanna Leissner, Matthias Winkler, Ralf Kilian, Stefan Bichlmair, Florian Antretter, Jürgen Moßgraber, Jürgen Reuter, Tobias Hellmund, Katharina Matheja, Michael Rohde, Uwe Mikolajewicz. Making use of climate information for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage: applications to the KERES project. In: Heritage Science, vol. 11, issue 1. Jan 26th, 2023.

    According to the final report of the European Union OMC expert group on strengthening cultural heritage resilience for anthropogenic climate change, the impacts of climate change, particularly extreme weather events, on cultural heritage in Europe have become increasingly evident in recent years and are progressing at an unprecedented speed and scale. Archaeological sites, museum collections, and historical buildings and structures are affected, among others, by rising temperatures or by heavy storms and precipitation events. Deep scientific knowledge about future climate projections is required to develop appropriate preservation strategies and measures to protect and adapt cultural heritage. In this paper we present the first set of results of the KERES project. The project focuses on the impacts of future extreme climate events on the built heritage and historic gardens. An ensemble of climate simulations is used to analyze changes in both climatology and extreme events for several climate variables at two cultural heritage sites in Germany. In this study, a methodology was developed to guide climate scientists on how to better tailor climate information for the needs of stakeholders in the cultural heritage sector. It would help the stakeholders to integrate the results of climate projections into the prevention and emergency management, in particular for the risk assessment of extreme events. The effects of interpolation from a model grid to a location of cultural heritage site and advantages of an ensemble approach have been demonstrated in the study.

  • Lola Kotova, Johanna Leissner, Matthias Winkler, Florian Antretter, Ralf Kilian, Jürgen Moßgraber, Jürgen Reuter, Tobias Hellmund, Anton Dolgov, Katharina Matheja Matheja, Michael Rohde Rhode, Uta Pollmer, Uwe Mikolajewicz. Making use of climate information for protecting cultural heritage from extreme weather events in a warming world. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-2850,, 2022.

    The intensity and frequency of extreme weather events in Europe are one of the most dangerous consequences of a warming climate. Some regions suffer more under heat waves and droughts, while others are experiencing extreme rainfalls. Thus, for example, a severe flood in July 2021 in several European countries caused widespread damages particularly in Belgium and Germany.

    Which extreme weather events are to be expected in the future? How can the damage of irretrievable historical sites be avoided or, at least, limited or dealt with? All these questions are addressed in the three-year research project KERES, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is coordinated by the Fraunhofer ISC together with the Fraunhofer EU Office in Brussels.

    As first step the regional relevance of future extreme weather events in Germany will be investigated. This information will be further used to estimate the potential damages to buildings and outdoor facilities. The precautionary and responsive measures to manage potential or acute damage situations will be investigated as well. The designed methodologies will be tested for five case studies including World Heritage Sites (historical buildings and historical gardens) in Germany.

    The major tools of KERES include building component and indoor climate simulations and high-resolution urban climate models. The necessary input will be taken from the most recent ensemble of regional climate change projections of the EURO-CORDEX Initiative ( As a result, an ontology-based information system will be designed for managing the expected damage situations.

    We will present first results from the KERES project. The discussion will be focused on how to access and visualize the robustness of projected changes of extreme weather events in a way oriented to individual cultural heritage sites.

  • Tobias Hellmund, Manfred Schenk, Jürgen Moßgraber, Philipp Hertweck, Jürgen Reuter, Hans Springer. ELD-BS: The Digital Situation Dashboard for Baden-Württemberg. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2022), Tarbes, France. ISCRAM Digital Library, May 22-25, 2022.

    This paper presents the Elektronische Lagedarstellung für den Bevölkerungsschutz (ELD-BS, engl. Electronic Situation Dashboard for civil protection), a software suite for managing crisis relevant information in the German federal state Baden-Württemberg. ELD-BS serves as an easy-to-use and functional tool to support administration work in larger operational situations and in the event of a disaster. The ELD-BS supports communication and data exchange between the authorized access points in the event of an incident, yet it does not replace the formal reporting channels and the communication between the units involved in the operation. ELD-BS is conceptually intended for the overarching use of the administrative levels and particularly allows the exchange of information between the administrative authorities in large-scale operations. The software suite comprises 4 applications, which are accessible from the web and offer different functionalities during crisis response. This paper introduces the individual components and their interaction.

  • Jürgen Reuter. RP2040 PIO Emulator as DevTool. Talk @ GPN20, Entropia e.V., Chaos Computer Club Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 20st, 2022.
    Video | Slides | Project Repo
    Abstract Developing PIO programs for the Raspberry Pico RP2040 chip is really hard, since – in contrast to the ARM cores – access to the PIO's inner state is very limited, and debugging output and tracing almost impossible. Therefore, in early 2021, I implemented an emulator for the RP2040 PIO, and a set of tools (for the command line as well as GUI based) and a very simple scripting language for program control and debugging output. The tool set thus supports developing PIO programs by running on the emulator, step by step, if desired, and inspecting as well as logging the PIO's inner state and all GPIO output. Source code is available on GitHub (, and detailed documentation on Read the Docs (
  • Jürgen Reuter. Visualisierung der Hysterese von Kipppunkten (Talk). In: Letters4Future. International exhibition curated by Renate Schweizer as part of frame programme of exhibition Critical Zones of ZKM Karlsruhe, Sep 18th 2020, Poly Produzentengalerie e.V., Karlsruhe, Germany.
    Announcement Video

  • Jürgen Reuter. Notensatz im 21. Jahrhundert – Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. Bericht von der Notensatzkonferenz in Salzburg. In Musica Sacra, vol. 140, no. 2 (Ausg. 2/2020), pp. 80-81, April 1st, 2020, B 20503 F. Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel, Germany. ISSN 0197-356x.

  • Jürgen Reuter. Formale Modellierung gregorianischer Neumen zur Repräsentation in Notationssoftware am Beispiel von LilyPond. Talk @ Music Engraving Conference 2020, Jan 18th 2020, Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria.
    Video | Slides
    Abstract Supporting Gregorian neumes in music notation software requires formal modelling of music representation, as storage format and as input language. Since neumes notation differs significantly from subsequent music notation, we give a short historical survey and explore a concept for musically adequate modelling based on the Solesmes monks’ 19th century research and more recent findings, including composition of ligatures from basic neumes, and compare it with different approaches.
  • Jürgen Reuter. RetroComputing: Emulator VZ200 / Z80. Talk @ GPN19, Entropia e.V., Chaos Computer Club Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 31st, 2019.
    Video | Slides | Project Repo
    Abstract In this talk, I present my project that implements a software emulation of a Z80 CPU and all other parts of a VZ200 computer (the hardware originally built around 1983). The emulator software is written in Java, yet fast enough to run in realtime on current modest performance hardware. Special features of the emulator include (among others): * a monitor control program with features for editing, running and debugging Z80 assember code, * a retro-fit mechanism that allows for annotation of assembler instructions (labels, comments, etc.) * a virtual clock mechanism that allows for realtime mapping of the emulated speaker's status onto state-of-the-art, sample buffer based sound card devices, * an abstract, mnemonic-level, yet still flexible architecture of the CPU emulation that allows for straight-forward extension or replacement of new or alternative op-codes without explicitly fiddling around with deeply nested instruction dispatch tables. Project Source Code:
  • Jürgen Reuter. Hacking a 15$ Quadcop for Adding a Computer Interface for Flight Control. Talk @ GPN18, Entropia e.V., Chaos Computer Club Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 11th, 2018.
    Video | Slides | Project Repo
    Abstract In this talk I will present how I modified the remote control of a cheap 15$ quadcop in order to add a computer interface: * First, I developed a small hardware board for signal tapping from and signal injection into the quadcop's remote control. * Next, I connected an Arduino board and developed a small software written in the C programming language, that does real-time signal A/D conversion of incoming / outgoing flight control signals, time-stamping and low-level signal processing of incoming signal data, and buffering of incoming and outgoing signal data. * Third, I connected a Raspberry Pi 3 board to the Arduino board and developed a Java Application that retrieves flight control signal data from the Arduino with the possibility to record it to a file. Also, the application allows for replaying recorded data back to the Arduino for signal injection into the quadcop's remote control. * The next step would be to extend the Java application for either editing recorded flight control data or creating completely new flight control data from scratch. Schematics and software are available as open source licensed under GNU GPL v3, see here:
  • Jürgen Reuter. Exploiting Coloured Hearing for Research on Acoustic Perception. Lightning Talk @ Linux Audio Conference 2014 (LAC2014). ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 2nd, 2014.
    Abstract Coloured hearing is a form of synaesthesia with co-perception of acoustic stimuli as visual effects. In contrast to acquired or induced synaesthesia, the genuine form is thought to origin very early in life and to not relevantly change over time. Therefore, finding correlations between acoustic stimuli and visual effects with genuine coloured hearing and evaluating their visual significance even on adults gives hints on which acoustic properties have been significant for an individual since early life. With this snapshot of significance taken from many individuals, we hope to better identify the border between congenital perception and perception habits created from cultural influence. Knowledge about this border is essential for composition of contemporary music, as it marks the limit where musical parameters go beyond trainable perception and thus render irrelevant as compositorial means. So far, for a preparatory case study we developed a set of sounds, tested it on a single genuine coloured hearing individual and present first results.
  • Jürgen Reuter. Case Study: Building an Out Of The Box Raspberry Pi Modular Synthesizer. In Proceedings of the 12th International Linux Audio Conference (LAC2014), pp. 41-48. ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany, May 1st, 2014.
    Paper | Slides | Video
    Abstract The idea is simple and obvious: Take some Raspberry Pi computing units, each as a reusable synthesizer module. Connect them via a network. Connect a notebook or PC to control and monitor them. Start playing on your virtually analog modular synthesizer. However, is existing Linux audio software sufficiently mature to implement this vision out of the box? We investigate how far we get in building such a synthesizer, what existing software to choose, analyse what limits we hit and what features still need to be implemented to make our vision become reality.
    Keywords Raspberry Pi, Virtual Anolog Modular Synthesizer, Distributed Networked Audio
  • Jürgen Reuter. Considering Transient Effect in Spectrum Analysis. In Proceedings of the 7th International Linux Audio Conference (LAC2009), pp. 153-160. Instituzione Casa della Musica, Grafiche Step, Parma, Italy, April 16th, 2009.
    Paper | Slides | Video
    Abstract Signal processing with discrete Fourier transform (DFT) works well in standard settings, but is unsatisfying for rapid changes in signal spectra. We illustrate and analyze this phenomenon, develop a novel transform and prove its close relation to the Laplace transform. We deploy our transform for deriving a replacement for the sliding window DFT. Our approach features transient effect and hence shows more natural response to rapid spectral changes.
    Keywords signal processing, DFT, sliding window technique, spectral analysis
  • Jürgen Reuter. Modulare Softwaresynthese auf Mehrkern-Prozessoren. Talk @ GPN7, Entropia e.V., Chaos Computer Club Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 6th, 2008.

  • Jürgen Reuter. Exploiting Multi-Core Architectures for Fast Modular Synthesis. In Proceedings of the 6th International Linux Audio Conference (LAC2008), pp. 68-76. Academy of Media Arts, Köln, Germany, Feb 28th, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7399-362-7.
    Paper | Slides
    Abstract Recently, CPU speed increases only slowly, while the number of transistors per chip keeps growing exponentially. Consequently, processors with multi-core architectures are pervading the market. Unfortunately, most existing software still can not exploit the parallelism. Since modular software sythesis implementations typically simulate parallel hardware, they are designated to run on parallel hardware. We examine different approaches for parallelization of a modular software synthesizer and discuss their advantages and disadvantages with respect to both the performance gain and the impact on the software architecture.
    Keywords modular synthesis, multicore architectures, parallelization, scheduling, performance analysis
  • Jürgen Reuter, Frank Padberg. Towards a Change Specification Language for API Evolution. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Refactoring Tools (WRT07) in conjunction with the 21st European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP2007). Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, July 31st, 2007. ISSN 1436-9915

  • Jürgen Reuter. SoundPaint — Painting Music. Project Presentation @ Nacht der Informatik 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 14th, 2006.

  • Jürgen Reuter. Ontological Processing of Sound Resources. In Proceedings of the 4th International Linux Audio Conference (LAC2006), pp. 97-104. ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 30th, 2006.
    Paper | Slides
    Abstract Modern music production systems provide a plethora of sound resources, e.g.hundreds or thousands of sound patches on a synthesizer. The more the number of available sounds grows, the more difficult it becomes for the user to find the desired sound resource for a particular purpose, thus demanding for advanced retrieval techniques based on sound classification. This paper gives a short survey of existing approaches on classification and retrieval of sound resources, discusses them and presents an advanced approach based on ontological knowledge processing.
    Keywords classification of sounds, sound resource lookup, ontologies, OWL
  • Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy. Logging Kernel Events on Clusters. In Future generation computer systems (FGCS 1295), vol. 22, num. 3, pp. 313-323. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), Amsterdam, NL, 2006.

  • Alexander Paar, Lazaros Polymenakos, Jürgen Reuter, John Soldatos, Kostas Stamatis. A Formally Specified Ontology Management API as a Registry for Ubiquitous Computing Systems. In IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2006: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, pp. 137-146. Springer, Boston, MA, 2006. ISBN 978-0-387-34224-5.

  • Alexander Paar, Jürgen Reuter, Jaron Schaeffer. A Pluggable Architectural Model and a Formally Specified Programming Language Independent API for an Ontological Knowledge Base Server. Australasian Ontology Workshop (AOW 2005), Sydney, Dec. 2005.

  • Michael Carras, Alexander Paar, Ippokratis Pandis, Lazaros Polymenakos, Jürgen Reuter, John Soldatos. An Ontology-based Framework for Dynamic Resource Management in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. In The 2nd International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2005), Xi’an, P.R.China, Dec. 2005.

  • Jürgen Reuter. SoundPaint — Painting Music. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Linux Audio Conference (LAC2005), ZKM Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 22nd, 2005.
    Paper | Slides
    Abstract We present a paradigm for synthesizing electronic music by graphical composing. The problem of mapping colors to sounds is studied in detail from a mathematical as well as a pragmatic point of view. We show how to map colors to sounds in a user-definable, topology preserving manner. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach on our prototype implementation of a graphical composing tool.
    Keywords electronic music, sound collages, graphical composing, color-to-sound mapping
  • Florin Isailă, Guido Malpohl, Vlad Olaru, Jürgen Reuter (Eds.). Beiträge zum Seminar Grid Computing und Peer-to-Peer Systeme im Sommersemester 2004. Technical Report TR2005-11. Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD), Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2004.
    Abstract Im Sommersemester 2004 wurde im Seminar „Grid Computing und Peer-to-Peer Systeme“ eine Reihe aktueller Themen aus den Gebieten Grid Computing, Peer-to-Peer-Systeme und Ad-Hoc-Netzwerke angeboten. Jeder Teilnehmer wählte hieraus ein Thema, um darüber in der Form eines medial gestützten Vortrages zu referieren. Um allen Teilnehmern die Gelegenheit zu geben, aus diesem Seminar nachhaltig etwas mitzunehmen, fertigte jeder Vortragende eine allen zugängliche schriftliche Ausarbeitung an. Die Ausarbeitungen finden sich in leicht redigierter Fassung durch die Editoren im vorliegenden technischen Bericht wieder.
  • Jürgen Reuter. Klingende Bilder. Workshop im Weinbrennerkeller als Beitrag zum 289. Stadtgeburtstag Karlsruhe. June 17th-20th, 2004.

  • Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy. Logging Kernel Events on Clusters. In Proc. of the Terascale Performance Analysis Workshop in conjunction with the International Conference on Computational Science 2003 (ICCS’2003), Part IV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp. 63-72. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York/NY, June 2nd, 2003.

  • Bernd Haumacher, Thomas Moschny, Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy. Transparent Distributed Threads for Java. In Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC) in conjunction with the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, April 22nd, 2003. ISBN 0-7695-1926-1.

  • James J. Hunt, Jürgen Reuter. Using the Web for Document Versioning: An Implementation Report for Delta-V. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2001), Toronto, Canada. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, May 12th, 2001. ISBN 0-7695-1050-7.

  • Jürgen Reuter. Bewertung zweier Ansätze zur verteilten Revisionskontrolle über das Internet. Diplomarbeit am Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD), Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug 20th, 2000.

  • James J. Hunt, Frank Lamers, Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy. Distributed Configuration Management via Java and the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of the Seventh Int. Workshop on Software Configuration Management (SCM-7) in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’97), pp. 161-174. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, May 18th, 1997. ISBN 3-540-63014-7.

  • Jürgen Reuter. Verteilte Revisionskontrolle über das World Wide Web. Studienarbeit am Institut für Programmstrukturen und Datenorganisation (IPD), Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 7th, 1996.

  • Stefan U. Hänßgen, James J. Hunt, Jürgen Reuter, Walter F. Tichy. Distributed Revision Control via the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of the Sixth Int. Workshop on Software Configuration Management (SCM-6) in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’96), pp. 166-174. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer. ISBN 3-540-61964-X.