Polynomial Extrapolation

This post describes a simple and fast mathematical approach for extrapolating polynomial functions provided some certain preconditions apply. I developed this method around 1984 / 1985, at a time, when I was not even aware of terminology like “polynomial” or “extrapolation” and did not yet know about infinitesimal calculus. In this sense, the following description is in terms of my today’s view of what I did roughly 35 years ago. Essentially, I developed kind of my own, though very limited variation of something similar to a infinitesimal calculus, however restricted to polynomial functions and based on differences rather than on differentials.


I will introduce a very specific task that serves as running example throughout this whole article. Here it is.

The Problem

Consider the series of values

\(12, 22, 50, 114, 232\).

Assuming that the series is to be interpolated by a continuous function that is as simple as possible, what is the next value of the series?

A More Formal Wording

More formally, we are looking for a real-valued polynomial function

\(f(x) = a_nx^n + \ldots + a_ix^i + \ldots + a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0 = y, \newline\) with \(x\in{}ℝ, y\in{}ℝ, a_i\in{}ℝ, 0\leq{}i\leq{}n\newline\) and with lowest possible degree \(n\in{}ℕ\), such that

\( f(0)=12,\newline f(1)=22,\newline f(2)=50,\newline f(3)=114,\newline f(4)=232. \)

Then, the result in question is the value \(y = f(5)\).

Note that instead of \(f(0), f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4)\), we could select any equidistant set of arguments, such as \(f(-3.2), f(-1.2), f(0.8), f(2.8), f(4.8)\) and then expect the result in question as the value of \(y = f(6.8)\). However, for simplicity, we usually start with \(f(0)\) and increment the argument by \(1\).


Simply add a column of differences between the given values:

\( \begin{matrix} f(0) \newline & f(1) - f(0) \newline f(1) \newline & f(2) - f(1) \newline f(2) \newline & f(3) - f(2) \newline f(3) \newline & f(4) - f(3) \newline f(4) \end{matrix} \)

Then add another column of differences of the differences:

\( \begin{matrix} f(0) \newline & f(1) - f(0) \newline f(1) & & (f(2) - f(1)) - (f(1) - f(0)) \newline & f(2) - f(1) \newline f(2) & & (f(3) - f(2)) - (f(2) - f(1)) \newline & f(3) - f(2) \newline f(3) & & (f(4) - f(3)) - (f(3) - f(2)) \newline & f(4) - f(3) \newline f(4) \end{matrix} \)

And so on, until in the last column, there are no different values any more. In the extreme case, you continue adding columns, with each new column containing one row less, until the lastly added column consists of a single value.

Let us compute the differences for our running example:

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 10 \newline 22 & & 18 \newline & 28 & & 18 \newline 50 & & 36 \newline & 64 & & 18 \newline 114 & & 54 \newline & 118 \newline 232 \end{matrix} \)

We can stop after adding three columns, since in the last column, both values are \(18\). Now, to extrapolate the next value of the series, extend the last column by a row at the bottom by adding another \(18\), and propagate it back by extending the difference network column by column until reaching the first column:

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 10 \newline 22 & & 18 \newline & 28 & & 18 \newline 50 & & 36 \newline & 64 & & 18 \newline 114 & & 54 \newline & 118 & & 18 \newline 232 \end{matrix} \)

and then

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 10 \newline 22 & & 18 \newline & 28 & & 18 \newline 50 & & 36 \newline & 64 & & 18 \newline 114 & & 54 \newline & 118 & & 18 \newline 232 & & 72 \end{matrix} \)

and then

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 10 \newline 22 & & 18 \newline & 28 & & 18 \newline 50 & & 36 \newline & 64 & & 18 \newline 114 & & 54 \newline & 118 & & 18 \newline 232 & & 72 \newline & 190 \end{matrix} \)

and finally

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 10 \newline 22 & & 18 \newline & 28 & & 18 \newline 50 & & 36 \newline & 64 & & 18 \newline 114 & & 54 \newline & 118 & & 18 \newline 232 & & 72 \newline & 190 \newline 422 \end{matrix} \)

That’s all! The result in question, that is, the next value in the series \(12, 22, 50, 114, 232\) is the value

\(y = f(5) = 422\).

Some More Background

We stopped adding columns, when all rows of the last column contained the same value. In other words, the values in the last column represent a constant function. Have a look at the last but one column (values \(18, 36, 54, 72\)): That is a linear function. Of course, it is, because in that column, the differences between two adjacent values is always \(18\) (just the difference that we calculated in the last column), thus making up a linear function as the series of the sum of constant values. Similarly, the last but two columns is the series of sums of linear values, thus producing a quadratic series of values. Finally, the first column, containing our original series of values, forms a series of values of a cubic function.

Combined with a little bit knowledge of differential calculus, we can even compute the coefficients of the cubic function. Note that, resembling the derivation function \(\frac{\mathrm{d}x^n}{\mathrm{d}x} = nx^{n-1}\) in real-valued analysis, the last, constant column contains the \((n-1) \cdot \ldots \cdot 2 \cdot 1\) value of the actual coefficient. For example, think of the function \(f(x) = x^3\):

\( \begin{matrix} 0 \newline & 1 \newline 1 & & 6 \newline & 7 & & 6 \newline 8 & & 12 \newline & 19 & & 6 \newline 27 & & 18 \newline & 37 \newline 64 \end{matrix} \)

Retrieving the value 6 in the constant column is similar to derivating \(x^3\) three times until getting to a constant:

\(\frac{\mathrm{d}^3x^3}{\mathrm{d}x^3} = \frac{\mathrm{d}^23x^2}{\mathrm{d}x^2} = \frac{\mathrm{d}6x}{\mathrm{d}x} = 6\)

(In general, for a polynomial function of degree \(n\in{}ℕ\), you will get a value of \(n!\).)

Accordingly, any coefficient other than \(1\) would result in a corresponding constant in the last column. For example, the function \(f(x) = ax^3\) would result in the last column to contain \(6a\). In effect, any function \(f(x) = ax^3+bx^2+cx+d\) would result in the last column containing the value \(6a\), since (just as with derivation in infinitesimal calculus) the lower order \(x\)’s coefficents are differenced out.

Determining All Coefficients of the Polynomial

Given our running example, we can now compute the coefficient of the highest term \(x^3\) (we know that our polynomial function has degree \(3\), since we stopped after adding three columns).

Since in our example, the last column contains \(18 = 6a\), the first coefficient of our polynomial function is \(a = 3\). That is, our function has the form \(f(x) = 3x^3 + bx^2 + cx + d\). Given this finding, we can now define another polynomial function \(g(x) = bx^2 + cx + d = f(x) - 3x^3\) to reduce the problem to a polynomial function with lower degree, and repeat reduction until we end with a constant function.

Given our initial sample values for \(f(x)\),

\( f(0)=12,\newline f(1)=22,\newline f(2)=50,\newline f(3)=114,\newline f(4)=232, \)

we can compute sample values for \(g(x) = f(x) - 3x^3\) from the sample values of \(f(x)\) by subtracting \(3x^3\):

\( \begin{matrix} g(0) & = & f(0) - 3 \cdot 0^3 & = & 12 & - & 0 & = & 12,\newline g(1) & = & f(1) - 3 \cdot 1^3 & = & 22 & - & 3 & = & 19,\newline g(2) & = & f(2) - 3 \cdot 2^3 & = & 50 & - & 24 & = & 26,\newline g(3) & = & f(3) - 3 \cdot 3^3 & = & 114 & - & 81 & = & 33,\newline g(4) & = & f(4) - 3 \cdot 4^3 & = & 232 & - & 192 & = & 40. \end{matrix} \)

Now, we can again build the difference triangle, just like we did for \(f(x)\), but now for \(g(x)\):

\( \begin{matrix} 12 \newline & 7 \newline 19 \newline & 7 \newline 26 \newline & 7 \newline 33 \newline & 7 \newline 40 \end{matrix} \)

Since we get constant values already in the first column that we add, our polynomial function \(g(x)\) is obviously a linear function, that is, it has no quadratic term, but only a linear term (and, of course, possibly a constant offset \(d\)). For this linear term, again similar to \(\frac{\mathrm{d}x^1}{\mathrm{d}x} = 1\) in the infinitesimal calculus, we would expect \(1\) as coefficent \(c\) in the term \(cx\), but get \(7\). Hence, the linear term in our polynomial is \(7𝑥\). That is, we have \(g(x) = 7x + d\) with \(d=12\), since \(12 = g(0) = 0x + d = d\). That is, we have \(g(x) = 7x + 12\), and \(f(x) = 3x^3 + g(x)\), that is we get

\(f(x) = 3x^3 + 7x + 12\).

Given our initial values

\( f(0)=12,\newline f(1)=22,\newline f(2)=50,\newline f(3)=114,\newline f(4)=232, \)

we can double-check that the coefficients of our function \(f(x)\) as well as the next value in the series that we found to be

\( f(5)=422 \)

are correct and we did not make a mistake, for example:

\( f(4) = 3 \cdot 4^3 + 7 \cdot 4 + 12 = 232. \)


Before I developed the approach described in this article, I had already solved the task of finding a way to convert temperature values between Celsius (\(°\mathrm{C}\)) and Fahrenheit (\(°\mathrm{F}\)) (I stumbled around 1982 upon this task in a school book for learning the English language, though only with example conversions of specific values, but with this book the general formula; so I tried to find out the conversion rule by myself). At that time, I already got the concept of a linear function (though without knowing this term), and assumed it to apply onto this problem. Given the two specific function samples of \(0°\mathrm{C} = 32°\mathrm{F}\) and \(100°\mathrm{C} = 212°\mathrm{F}\), and, for double checking, another sample of \(50°\mathrm{C} = 122°\mathrm{F}\), that is, in terms of the difference triangle in our polynomial extrapolation method,

\( \begin{matrix} f(0) & = & 32 \newline & & & & 90 \newline f(50) & = & 122 \newline & & & & 90 \newline f(100) & = & 212 \end{matrix} \)

I quickly found out the general formula

\( y = f(x) = 1.8x + 32 \)

by retrieving the value \(1.8 = \frac{90}{50}\) from scaling down the \(90\) by \(50\), according to the difference of \(50\) in the function arguments, and using \(f(0) = 32\) as constant offset for converting from \(°\mathrm{C}\) to \(°\mathrm{F}\). The reverse function resolves to

\( x = g(y) = f^{-1}(y) = \frac{y - 32}{1.8} \)

for converting from \(°\mathrm{F}\) to \(°\mathrm{C}\).

That is, the temperature conversion problem can be viewed as a special case of our polynomial extrapolation for the case of linear functions, i.e. for polynomials of degree \(1\). The polynomial extrapolation is a generalization to all polynomial functions with any degree \(n\inℕ\).