Discrete Low Pass

There are lots of textbooks about analog filters. There are fewer textbooks about discrete filters. There are only a few textbooks about discrete filters that contain working sample code (besides the well-written English Wikipedia article Low-pass filter, I do not know of any similarly useful discussion of the topic). But I have not seen any textbook about discrete filters with working sample code that gets by without the theories of Laplace and Z transformation that, to my observation, only very few people understand well. So, let’s design an algorithm that works.

The Maybe Most Often Used Discrete Low Pass Filter

Given an input signal as a series of input values, e.g. as an array double[] in, in lots of existing software, you will find code producing a filtered series of ouput values, e.g. again as an array double[] out, to create an output signal, with some constant coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽:

out[t] = 𝛼 * out[t-1] + 𝛽 * in[t];

Effectively, this is a weighted sum for mixing some previous output value with the current input value to create the next output value. The coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽 usually are in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 and sum up to 1.0 to preserve the overall gain of the input signal. Intuitively, continuously mixing the current output with the input will blur the input signal, thus low-pass filtering the input signal. (Actually, I intuitively used this formula myself when I was not older than 14 years old.) But what values to choose for coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽? Obviously, a value of 𝛼 close to 0.0 will let the input signal pass through almost unchanged, while a value near 1.0 will make the input signal change the output only marginally, such that short-lived changes in the input will have almost no effect, while long-living changes in the input signal will slowly cause the output to follow with some delay.

We suspect that the overall behavior is that of a simple low-pass filter. But what are the characteristics of this filter? What is the overall frequency response? And how to choose coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽? We will see that the above expression represents a discrete approximation of a simple RC low pass filter, thus inheriting the characteristics of this filter. We will see how the coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽 relate to the cutoff frequency of the filter.

Analog RC Filter

Fig. 1: RC Low Pass Analog Filter
Fig. 1: RC Low Pass
Analog Filter

We start with a short analysis of a simple RC filter with resistor \(R\) and capacitor \(C\) (Fig. 1). This filter is well-known to have a cutoff frequency of \(f_c=\frac{1}{2\pi\tau}\) with \(\tau=RC\), and steepness of 6dB per Octave above the cutoff frequency, as e.g. discussed in the above mentioned Wikipedia article. Many textbooks analyse the time response e.g. with Kirchhoff’s rules, and then directly dive into the Laplace transformtion and, for discretization, the Z tranformation, expecting the reader to be familiar with details of this theory. For discretization, we go a different path by directly solving the filter response for a given input signal. This path requires somewhat more work with solving infinitesimal expressions, but frees us from dealing with Laplace and Z transformation.

So, what is the RC low pass filter’s output signal \(U_{out}(t)\) in terms of its input signal \(U_{in}(t)\)?


First of all, we denote \(\tau = RC\), as it will turn out that only the product of the resistor’s and capacitor’s values is relevant for the filter characteristics, but not their individual values (as long as we do choose sane values for \(R\) and \(C\), such that e.g. line drops do not start getting relevant).

Next, we assume that the incoming signal \(U_{in}(t)\) has negligible low impedance, such that the current that flows into the filter will have no significant impact on the input voltage. Similarly, we assume that the load connected to the output of the filter has negligible high impedance, such that there is no significant flow through the output of the filter that could affect the characteristics of the filter. In a real-world analog filter implementation, these two assumptions can be satisfied by adding a unity gain amplifier immediately before and immediately after the filter.

Filter Response

Now, we derive an equation that expresses the filter response, that is, its output signal in terms of its input signal. Most textbooks analyse the frequency response in the frequency domain. This approach is handy in combination with the Laplace transformation and for immediately retrieving the frequency characteristics of the filter. The downside of this approach is that you have to be familiar with the theory of these non-trivial tools. Therefore, we use a more low-level approach for analysis: We try to express the filter’s signal output directly in terms of its signal input.

From looking at the circuit (Fig. 1), we immediately see that \(U_{out}(t) = U_{in}(t) - U_R(t)\), with \(U_R(t) = RI_R(t)\) according to Ohm’s law \(U=RI\). However, we also have \(I_R(t) = I_C(t)\) since above we assumed that there is no significant flow through the output of the filter. The current through a capacitor equals the change of its electrical charge over time, that is \(I_C(t) = \mathrm{d}Q_C(t)\mathrm{d}t\). And finally, the voltage of a capacitor is its current electrical charge divided by its capacity, that is \(U_C(t) = Q_C(t) / C\) or \(Q_C(t) = CU_C(t)\). The output voltage of the filter is just the voltage of the capacitor, that is \(U_C(t) = U_{out}(t)\). In summary, with \(\tau = RC\) as defined above, we get \(U_{out}(t) = U_{in}(t) - \tau \frac{\mathrm{d}U_{out}(t)}{\mathrm{d}t}\), or

\(U_{out}^’(t) = \frac{1}{\tau}(U_{in}(t) - U_{out}(t)).\) (1)

This equation is an ordinary linear differential equation of first order. A solution for this equation can be found in standard textbooks on differential equations. Assuming that there is some initial value \(U_{out}(t_0), t_0 \leq t_1\) given (i.e. the capacitor’s charge at some earlier point of time \(t_0\)), the equation has according to textbooks on differential equations the only solution

\( U_{out}(t_1) = e^\frac{t_0-t_1}{\tau} U_{out}(t_0) + \frac{1}{\tau}\int_{t_0}^{t_1}U_{in}(t)e^\frac{t-t_1}{\tau} \mathrm{d}t. \) (2)

For understanding the filter, we do not need to understand how this solution is derived, but for us it is sufficient to just check that the solution (2) indeed solves the differential equation (1) [TODO, for now left as an exercise to the reader].


We assume that, in a time discrete system, the signal is sampled in regular intervals of duration \(T\), also known as sample period time, and giving a series of input signal samples

\( U_{in}(t_0), U_{in}(t_0 + T), U_{in}(t_0 + 2T), \ldots, U_{in}(t_0 + nT), \)

and so on. Since we do not know the actual values in between, for simplicity, we assume them to keep constant between two adjacent samples: \(U_{in}(t_0 + nT + t) \equiv U_{in}(t_0 + nT + T), \forall 0 < t \leq T\). Of course, we also could do linear or more complex interpolation between the two samples, but to keep our equations simple, we choose for the simplest case of a piecewise constant function. Next, we try to look at the output signal at time \(t_0 + T\) and try to express it as simple as possible in terms of the input and output signal for earlier samples. Since the above solution of the differential equation already introduces \(t_0\) and \(t_1\) as points of time with freely choosable \(t_0\) as initial condition \(U_{out}(t_0)\), we choose \(t_0\) and \(t_1\) without loss of generality such that \(T = t_1 - t_0\) or, respectively, \(t_1 = t_0 + T\). Then, we get

\( U_{out}(t_0 + T) =\newline U_{out}(t_1) =\newline e^\frac{t_0-t_1}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + \frac{1}{\tau}\int_{t_0}^{t_1}U_{in}(t)e^\frac{t-t_1}{\tau} \mathrm{d}t=\) (piecewise constancy \(t\equiv{}t_1\))

\(e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + \frac{1}{\tau}\int_{t_0}^{t_1}U_{in}(t_1)e^\frac{t-t_1}{\tau} \mathrm{d}t=\newline e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + \frac{1}{\tau}U_{in}(t_1)e^\frac{-t_1}{\tau}\int_{t_0}^{t_1}e^\frac{t}{\tau} \mathrm{d}t=\newline e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + \frac{1}{\tau}U_{in}(t_1)e^\frac{-t_1}{\tau}[\tau{}e^\frac{t}{\tau} ]_{t_0}^{t_1}=\)

\( e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + e^\frac{-t_1}{\tau}U_{in}(t_1)[e^\frac{t}{\tau} ]_{t_0}^{t_1}=\newline \)

\( e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + e^\frac{-t_1}{\tau}U_{in}(t_1)(e^\frac{t_1}{\tau}-e^\frac{t_0}{\tau})=\newline \)

\( e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + (1-e^\frac{t_0-t_1}{\tau})U_{in}(t_1)=\newline \)

\( e^\frac{-T}{\tau}U_{out}(t_0) + (1-e^\frac{-T}{\tau})U_{in}(t_1)=\newline \)

\( \alpha{}U_{out}(t_0) + (1-\alpha)U_{in}(t_1) \)

for \(\alpha=e^\frac{-T}{\tau}\) and \(\beta=1-\alpha\), with \(\tau=RC\) and \(T\) representing the sample period time.

That is, given the cutoff frequency \(f_c=\frac{1}{2\pi\tau}\) or \(\tau=\frac{1}{2\pi{}f_c}\), we get

\(\alpha=e^{-2\pi{}f_cT}\) and \(\beta=1-\alpha\)

as coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽 in our initial simple low-pass filter algorithm with cutoff frequency \(f_c\) and sample period time \(T\).


We derived the response function (in the time domain) of an RC low-pass filter and showed that the widespread, simple and naive digital low pass filter algorithm indeed is an approximation for a simple RC filter, assuming a piecewise constant sample function. For our analysis, we did not require knowledge about the Laplace or Z transformation, but directly derived all equations from the differential equation of the electrical circuit. As a result, we showed how to choose the coefficients 𝛼 and 𝛽 in our simple algorithm for approximating an RC low-pass filter with cutoff frequency \(f_c\).
